Articles for tag: Virtual Classroom, Wardrobe Staples

Adopt Audrey Hepburn’s Style

Audrey Hepburn had a simple elegance that is easily adopted even during an economic downturn. Many of her basic wardrobe staples may be in your closet right now. The key to pulling off the Audrey look lies in the execution. Miss Hepburn had impeccable poise and good manners regardless of the situation. She perfected a ...

Karla News

Five Hip Fashion Tips for Women Over 35

In many ways, turning thirty-five is a blessing when it comes to fashion. Most women have had time to get to know themselves, and have seen a few fashion cycles come and go. With experience comes discernment–it’s easier to tell a passing fancy (designer denim overalls, anyone?) from a long-term trend like boot-cut jeans, a ...

Karla News

Shopping Guide to Women’s Slimming Clothing

If you choose your clothes carefully, you can look both stylish and slimmer. These 8 tips will help you choose slimming clothes that show off your figure and put your personal style on display. 1. You’ve always been told that black is slimming and white adds pounds. Well, it’s true. Dark colors do have a ...

Chic Mens Dress Shirts for 2011

You may have been looking through your wardrobe at the start of this New Year and the experience has left you wanting to make some changes in how you dress for work. In a professional environment, mens dress shirts are an item of clothing that is worn daily to work. Since mens dress shirts are ...