Articles for tag: Bram Stoker, Dracula, Transylvania, Vlad the Impaler

Karla News

A Real Life Vampire – Vlad Dracul

Dracula, one of the most well known vampires, is not just a creation of Bram Stoker’s imagination. He is, in fact, based on a real person. Vlad Dracul was a blood thirsty ruler in Transylvania who wrought terror as he fought his way through power. Vlad’s tactic’s eventually led to the moniker of Vlad the ...

Karla News

Brad Pitt’s Upcoming Vampire Movie Announced

It would be accurate to say that Twilight and New Moon have brought the vampire movie genre into a new and prosperous age. So it seems to make sense that people are saying Brad Pitt has agreed to being involved in a new vampire movie so that he can ride that wave of popularity. But ...

Karla News

The Real Count Dracula: Prince Vlad III the Impaler

Although vampire stories have existed for hundreds of years, they became firmly entrenched in Western culture with the 1897 release of Bram Stoker’s novel “Dracula.” Since then, Count Dracula and similar vampires have been the subject of countless movies and books. Although these vampire stories are a relatively modern invention, the character of Count Dracula ...

Karla News

Famous Celebrity Bloodlines

Robert Pattinson, who plays a vampire in the popular Twilight movie series, is a distant relative of Vlad the Impaler on whom Brad Stoker based his immortal character Dracula. Many celebrities related to illustrious ancestors, including those of royal blood. What is even more amazing is that multiple celebrities share a common ancestor of great ...

Karla News

Dracula’s Castle for Sale for Undisclosed Price

The Associated Press is reporting that the Habsburg heir to Vlad Tepes is trying to sell the infamous castle that has been in his family for centuries. It is likely that a fan of Dracula or horror movies will be likely to want to purchase it. Bran Castle has become one of the most famous ...