Articles for tag: Rickets, Vitamin D, Vitamin D Deficiency

Symptoms and Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is rare in the general population. The major reason for this is that vitamin D is created by the body in the presence of sunlight. The recommended amount of Vitamin D needed is only about 5 mcg/day, which the body can create in less than one hour per week in sunlight. The ...

When Vitamin D Is Bad for You

Postmenopausal women rightfully worry about osteoporosis; they are at increased risk. No one wants the curved spine that my mother had or brittle bones that result in fractures. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and works together with calcium to mineralize or harden bones. A new study in mice found that vitamin D only ...

The Dangers of Vitamin D Deficiency

I never realized until I was diagnosed with a serious Vitamin D deficiency what all problems this could cause. My doctor was very concerned because my levels were dangerously low and he immediately put me on a high dose Vitamin D supplement. Some other health problems my doctor told me Vitamin D deficiency could cause ...

Karla News

Nature Made Vitamin D Review

I am one of the fortunate Gatherers chosen to review Nature Made Vitamin D. The handy bottle of Nature Made Vitamin D arrived right after my doctors suggested I take this essential supplement. What Is Nature Made Vitamin D? Nature Made Vitamin D are liquid softgel supplements. I prefer softgels because they are easier to ...

Karla News

Vitamin D Sources, Food and Sunlight

Vitamin D is a nutrient needed by the body which is found in a few common foods including fish and most dairy products. Vitamin D is different from other vitamins in that it can be made by the body, however, this process requires direct and intense sunlight and so in many parts of the world, ...