Articles for tag: Healthy Immune System, Vitamin B, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin K

Karla News

Seven Vitamins for Arthritis

After diagnosis of having arthritis, you may wonder what vitamins to take to help your body from this constant pain and ache. Since people with rheumatoid arthritis have shown deficiency in vitamin B-6, vitamin E, copper, folate, magnesium, and zinc; your doctor may suggest supplemental vitamins and minerals. So, what vitamins to take and why ...

Karla News

5 Vitamins for Everyday Health

I have been taking the same vitamins everyday for a couple years now, and I find they really help make my day great. There are many who feel taking vitamins aren’t essential to your everyday health and that you get what you need from the food you eat. In today’s society, so many of us ...

Karla News

B Vitamins and Acne What Works?

Like all B vitamins (B5, B6, B12, etc.) to help acne? Unlike other vitamins, the fight against acne, which were mentioned, the B-vitamins that is unique. The B vitamins are the vitamins that are in his name and usually how they are made. Vitamin B, are almost always in a B-complex, vitamin B, since each ...

Karla News

Best Vitamins for Exercise

When we exercise our bodies lose electrolytes, energy and calories. As a result, it is important that we eat healthy while exercising to ensure that we replace the electrolytes, energy and calories that we lose during physical activities. It doesn’t matter if the aim of the exercise is to lose weight or to keep our ...

Health Tips – The Water Soluble Vitamins B-Complex and C

Vitamins are the essential nutrients found in the foods we eat and each have specific functions. Vitamins aren’t needed in large quantities to be effective but the way our bodies store them does make a difference in our vitamin needs. Unlike the fat-soluble vitamins which are stored in the liver and fatty tissues, the water ...

What is Vitamin B Complex?

More and more people are turning to alternative medicine and the use of dietary supplements such as vitamin B complex as we strive to keep our bodies healthy. Studies continue with vitamin B complex to determine if there’s a link with this compound in preventing cancers or coronary disease. What is vitamin B complex? Is ...

Karla News

Vitamin B5 Acne Treatment Plan

Vitamin B5 acne treatment is very effective for certain types of acne. For the best results this vitamin should be taken with other key antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E. Vitamin B-5 also works best when it is combined with other B-vitamins. You can take a B-complex supplement in addition to extra vitamin ...

Symptoms of Vitamin B Overdose

Vitamin B is a set of eight different vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folate, and cobalamin. Symptoms of a vitamin B overdose, also known as vitamin B toxicity, are found to occur in three of the B vitamins: niacin, pyridoxine, and folate. The remaining five B vitamins are not associated with any ...

Karla News

Vitamin B for Cats

Vitamin B for cats is one of the many common supplements for pets that people may decide to administer. This is because a lot of cat food lacks essential vitamins and minerals. For this reason, it is important to learn as much as you can about vitamin B. The Benefits Of Adding Vitamin B To ...