Articles for tag: Belly Fat, Good Fats, Lose Belly Fat, Reduce Belly Fat, Visceral Fat

Karla News

Health Risks of Belly Fat in Men

Weight gain can creep up on a man, especially as he ages or if his lifestyle is not as active as it should be. Typically, men gain more weight in their abdomen than on other parts of their body, and this increased belly fat can become life-threatening. Know Your Fats There are two types of ...

Top 5 Body Composition Scales

When you choose to buy a body composition scale you do not want to cut corners. A good one does have a high price tag. Nowadays they have released some fantastic brands. Here are five of the top body compositions scales that anyone in the public can choose to buy and links to where to ...

Karla News

Menopause Belly Fat and Weight Gain

As they age, it is not unusual for women to experience unwanted weight gain. Troublesome areas are frequently the hips, thighs, and rear. Weight gain of this sort is common for many women in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. However, women approaching their 50’s or 60’s find that they are gaining belly fat and that ...

Karla News

Foods that Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) leads to a plethora of other conditions related to heart, vascular and organ function. As blood travels from the heart to the arteries, arterial pressure is exerted on the arterial walls. Your blood pressure is made up of 2 numbers, which are the systolic and diastolic, respectively. The systolic pressure represents ...

Methods of Measuring Body Fat & Body Composition

There are many ways one can measure the percentage of body fat composition; however, reliability and accuracy vary, as does the expense and time requirements. This article looks at the various methods of measuring body composition, how the methods work, and the pros and cons of each. Bioelectric Impedance The bioelectric impedance method works by ...