Articles for tag: Desdemona, Iago, Othello, Vengeance

Karla News

An Analysis of Manipulation Through Weakness in Shakespeare’s Othello

Shakespeare’s Othello examines the ease of manipulation through one’s weakness. Othello, a Moore and Venetian General, weds Desdemona, the daughter of Brabantio, a Venetian aristocrat. Iago, Othello’s ancient, and Cassio, Othello’s newly appointed lieutenant, accompany Othello and Desdemona to Cyprus. Iago, angry because Othello did not appoint him as general, uses Roderigo, Desdemona’s admirer, to ...

Karla News

Forgiveness – the Gift You Give Yourself

Many people seem to have a misunderstanding about what it really means to forgive someone for a wrong done to them. This article will explore a little bit about what forgiveness is and the reasons why forgiveness is important. The first thing I want to point out is what is, to me, the most important ...

Karla News

The Iliad: Honor Through Victory and Vengeance

From the beginning of the epic to its finish, the distinguishing element that was most prominent in the Iliad was the concept of honor which is held by Greeks. Honor in the Iliad is not viewed in the same way as it is in western society; rather honor is won through gaining victory and exacting ...

Karla News

The Morality of Revenge in Hamlet

“As it doth well appear unto our state – /But to recover of us, by strong hand…” (1,I, 101-102). Horatio, Prince Hamlet’s close friend, foreshadows a crucial theme in Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, the craving of vengeance. The text reveals that the need for revenge creates a throttlehold on the authentic emotions, thoughts, and ...