Articles for tag: Vegan Meals, Vegans, Vegetarianism

Karla News

Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants in Cleveland, Ohio

Most of the vegetarian and vegan establishments in the Cleveland, Ohio area are along the outskirts of the East and West sides of the city. One can find a wide array of vegan, vegetarian, and natural food restaurants, delis, and markets in these areas. Here are some of the most recommended: Vegetarian/Vegan Establishments Another Level ...

Karla News

Top 5 Vegetarian Dog Foods

There’s no question that a vegetarian diet treads lightly on the Earth, reduces carbon emissions, and protects the welfare of animals. While most people will at least tolerate vegetarianism for humans, they still bristle when they think of vegetarian dog food. We regard dogs as fierce carnivores, who need massive amounts of meat to survive ...

Karla News

Weight Loss Programs for Vegetarians: What Are the Options?

With dozens of ultimate weight loss programs and diets available, determining which ones actually work is only part of the challenge for vegetarians. Most of today’s mass-market diets and prepackaged meals are designed for the typical meat eater; while the lowfat chicken and steak options are a valuable alternative for meat lovers, vegetarians aren’t left ...