Articles for tag: Vegan Meals, Vegans, Vegetarianism

Karla News

Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants in Cleveland, Ohio

Most of the vegetarian and vegan establishments in the Cleveland, Ohio area are along the outskirts of the East and West sides of the city. One can find a wide array of vegan, vegetarian, and natural food restaurants, delis, and markets in these areas. Here are some of the most recommended: Vegetarian/Vegan Establishments Another Level ...

Karla News

Easy Meal Ideas for Vegan Campers

Yes, it’s time to pack up the tent, sunscreen, and the kids for a few days of rest and relaxation in the wilderness or at least the local state campground. Cooking outdoors is usually a pleasant change of pace from the everyday routine, and vegan campers have many easy meal options available to them. There ...

Karla News

How to Save Money on Vegan Groceries

When I first converted to veganism, the biggest mistake I made was stocking up on processed foods and expensive vegan-friendly alternatives to some of my favorite non-vegan meals. Though it was three years ago, I still remember my first vegan shopping trip. I remember filling my shopping cart with packages of frozen vegan chicken nuggets ...

Snack Ideas for the College Vegan on a Budget

“No meat, no cheese, no dairy?! No way!” That’s what most of my college friends say when they learn I’m a vegan. They don’t know how I survive! They think my food options are limited, but that simply isn’t true. When people learn I’m a vegan, they immediately think that snacking would become bland, boring, ...

Guide to Starting a Vegan Diet

Starting a vegan diet can be a healthy choice for adults who want to eliminate all animal products from their diet. The vegan diet takes a vegetarian diet one step further, and it eliminates all animal products, including dairy and eggs. The vegan diet takes discipline, commitment and awareness if you intend to make a ...

Karla News

Vegan Recipe: Couscous Stuffed Peppers

These Couscous Stuffed Peppers are not only delicious and healthy, they are also vegan, and easy to make. The Couscous stuffed peppers willaccommodate any any vegan or vegetarian diet. This recipe originally started out as rice-stuffed squash, which just shows how easy it is to modify this type of recipe based on the ingredients you ...