Articles for tag: Afterbirth, Bulk Herbs, Dong Quai, Skullcap, Valeriana

Karla News

Herbal Remedies for Stress

Many, many years ago, herbs were relied upon for treatment and cure of all types of ailments. Tried and true herbal remedies were passed along through the generations. But with the dawning of the “miracle of modern medicine,” herbal treatments took a backseat to the wonders of science. While modern medicine certainly did have some ...

Karla News

Growing the Sedative Herb Valerian

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, also known as Garden Heliotrope and not to be confused with Red Valerian, which is Centranthus ruber) is a plant that is both an herb and an ornamental. A tall (three to five feet) perennial, it’s a great cottage garden or wild garden plant. The leaves are medium green and deeply divided, ...

Does Valerian Root Work?

It works for me. Like all substances meant to change mood or behavior, how valerian root effects you depends upon your own unique physical chemistry. I originally tried it because my brother had bought some for his sleeping problems. It works for me. It does nothing for him. For those who don’t know, valerian root ...

Karla News

Herbal Remedies to Quit Smoking

In the perspective of a lay person, there is no rhyme or reason presented in trying to quit smoking. Strong willed people fail, weak people succeed, con artists get rich and smokers get frustrated and ripped off. Personally, as a smoker, giving nicotine patches or gum to a smoker trying to quit is like giving ...

Karla News

Healing Benefits of Valerian Root

Classified as Valeriana officinalis, valerian is native to North America, Europe and Asia. Valerian is a tall perennial herb with hollow stems that bear white or reddish flowers. The name Valerian is from the Latin word valere, meaning ‘to be in health’. The root stock of valerian harbors many active compounds and many herbalists believe ...