Articles for tag: Dry Eyes Home Remedy, Homeopath, Queen Anne, Using Herbs

Herbal Health 101: Side Effects of Herbs

While herbs tend to be safer and more natural than prescription medications, even herbs can have side effects. Educate yourself and make the best use of your herbs. Many people use herbs because they are more natural then pharmaceutical medications, and have fewer side-effects. While this is typically true, herbs can still have side effects, ...

Facts About Herbs and Spices

In the U.S. Alone, some 200 million pounds of herbs and spices are consumed annually, with black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, garlic, paprika, chili powder, oregano, celery (seeds and salt), onions and parsley heading the list. A seasoning by any name is still a seasoning, but generally speaking, herbs are leafy, aromatic plants, usually grown from ...

Does Mouthwash Cause Cancer?

Does mouthwash cause cancer? According to a study published in the Dental Journal of Australia mouthwashes are a risk for oral cancer because they contain alcohol. Why is alcohol a problem? Because it alters the barrier function of the mucous membranes lining the mouth – making it easier for cancer causing substances to reach the ...

The Four Best Herbs for Nervousness

Everybody feels nervous at certain times, such as before giving a speech or taking a big test. Feeling nervous on a daily basis, however, is something different. It is important to talk to a therapist or understanding medical professional about constant unease. Using herbs for nervousness can help as well. The following four plants are ...

Karla News

Regrow Hair Using Herbs

When it comes to the treatment of hair loss, herbs are usually overlooked. Herbs have the potential to treat thinning hair and baldness in both men and women. Purchasing herbs are much easier then other alternatives, such as medications, because you can purchase herbs over the counter. They are available in most drug stores for ...

Karla News

How to Get Healthy Hair Using Herbs

When you’re next confronting a hair problem, like dandruff or frizziness, you may want to look in an unexpected place. The same herbs you cook with can have tremendous results for trouble hair and help you achieve the shining, luscious locks you’ve always dreamed of. Before you start cooking up hair masks, though, take a ...