Articles for tag: Cloudy Urine, Urination, Urine Color

Cloudy Urine: Causes and Related Symptoms

Cloudy urine can be the result of a number of possible causes. In some cases, these causes can be fairly minor; for example, a change in your diet can alter the appearance of your urine. At other times, however, cloudy urine can be a symptom of something more concerning and it may appear as one ...

Causes of Painful Urination

There are very few things that are as annoying as going to the toilet and finding that it hurts to urinate. There are a few major causes of painful urination – most of which can be treated and dealt with quite effectively with few significant complications. Let’s take a look at some of the more ...

Diabetes Symptoms: Top Warning Signs

Recognizing diabetes symptoms is something I learned to do at a very young age. Diabetes is very prevalent in my family, as it is in many others. I do not have diabetes, but every generation we’ve traced back on my mother’s side has had diabetes. Within each generation, several people ended up with the disease. ...

Causes of Brown Colored Urine

There are a myriad of causes for a person having dark urine. These causes can range anywhere from serious to not serious at all. In this article, I’ll begin with the least serious causes first, and then get into more serious causes. Sometimes things you eat can produce a urine that is brown colored. These ...

How Serious is Frequent Nighttime Urination?

We all know that a good night’s sleep is nature’s way of preparing our bodies and minds for the next day. Our health is in jeopardy when frequent nighttime urination interrupts our sleep. Nocturia is the medical term for nighttime urination. There are many possible causes of frequent urination from simple issues to severe medical ...

Why Do I Have Blood in My Urine?

Having blood in your urine is actually quite a common problem. Having blood in your urine could indicate a serious medical condition or it could require little to no medical treatment. The only way to know why you have blood in your urine is to consult a physician. Why Do I Have Blood in My ...

Karla News

Nocturia: Excessive Urination at Night

My husband was not sleeping well at nights. He used to wake up a couple of times in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and that disturbed his sleep and mine. Many times it was difficult for him to come back to sleep, and he remained awake for long hours. He ...

Karla News

The Urge to Pee: What Does It Really Mean?

We all know what it feels like – that ‘time to start looking for a bathroom’ feeling. Urinary problems are more common among women than men. Maybe this is because we pay more attention to things ‘down there’ or maybe it is because our urethra is about 8 times shorter than a man’s. For whatever ...