Articles for tag: Mayonnaise, Upholstery

Karla News

How to Remove Mayonnaise Stains

Even though mayonnaise is white, it is a greasy and oily substance, which makes for a nasty stain. But you can remove mayonnaise stains with these household items and get your fabrics, carpet and upholstery looking as good as new. Use these tips and get rid of mayonnaise stains no matter how big. Laundry Detergent ...

Creative Ways to Use Upholstery Samples

Books filled with upholstery samples can be a source of fabric gifts and treasures. Instead of simply tossing upholstery samples in the trash, consider the following creative ways to use upholstery samples. Fabric upholstery samples can be used to make everything from scented sachets to fabric-covered boxes. They are great for group projects and well-worth ...

How to Spray Paint Upholstered Furniture

Isn’t it amazing the things they come up with nowadays? Many years ago, if you got bored with the pattern on your upholstered furniture you had to live with it or start saving the money for that expensive upholstery job. Then there was the matter of having the furniture removed from the house, kept for ...

How to Clean Upholstered Furniture

Cleaning upholstery does not have to be a difficult task. Most upholstered furniture can be cleaned if you follow the proper steps. You can use these steps on anything that is upholstered: your favorite recliner, your seat in you car, and your sofa. Use the same technique for a small spot to a larger stain ...

Karla News

How to Start a Career in the Upholstery Business

When most people think of upholstery they think of furniture, but in reality, there are many different aspects to the upholstery business. There’s marine upholstery – recovering boat interiors, automotive upholstery – repairing and recovering car and truck seats, commercial upholstery – replacing fabric on office chairs, and other upholstery jobs like replacing the green ...

Upholstery Tips: Working with Buttons

Thinking you can do a small upholstery job at home yourself? Well, you can. If, that is, you have the right materials, machine and know-how. You don’t have to be a real upholsterer to get the job done, though. Just follow a few tips and you’ll be proud of the finished furniture. Cutting and sewing ...

Karla News

DIY: Upholstery Cleaning

DIY projects are the best way to go not only because of the way that the economy is going; it will save you money but also give you the satisfaction that you completed the project on your own. Let’s start off with cleaning machines, some machines will do the job as long as they are ...

Karla News

Cleaning Upholstery: How to Clean Upholstered Furniture

Upholstered furniture is commonplace in every single home, and if your home is anything like mine you have messy husbands, children who spill and dogs who shed all over these exquisite pieces of furniture. Here are some ways to clean the upholstered furniture without running the integrity, the fabric and the design of the piece. ...

Karla News

Upholstery Webbing Headboard

No, there’s no law that says you have to have a headboard, but a bed – and the room – looks so much more complete when you have one. I’m not sure who’s setting the prices for new headboards but they’ve gotten outrageous, am I right? Something as simple as a piece of wallpaper can ...

Karla News

Reupholster a Round Footstool

With the recent addition of a new love seat in my living room, I decided to craft a new cover for my footstool. It sits right next to the love seat, and the old fabric didn’t seem to blend at all. I used upholstery samples that I picked up at a yard sale, but you ...