Articles for tag: CUNY, Immanuel, Immanuel Kant, Kant, Universal Law

Karla News

An Easy Explanation of Kantian Ethics

Immanuel Kant was an influential philosopher that placed moral worth in the good intentions of a person in performing an action rather than the consequences of the action — such ethics that appeal to duty and obligation rather than practical concerns are known as deontological ethics. The moral law that all objective reasoning would lead ...

Karla News

Kant’s Categorical Imperative

In 1785 Immanuel Kant published his writing Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals. Within his work is his theory known as the Categorical Imperative. This theory is very straightforward and not as hard to grasp as some other ethical philosophies can be. To use the Categorical Imperative, one simply creates maxims. A maxim is ...

Karla News

Kantian Ethics and Modern Society

Act as if the principle of your action were to become by your will a universal law of nature (Rohmann, 1999). This idea really sums up Immanuel Kant‘s view of ethics. Kant surmised that ethical decisions should be focused on the motive for the decision rather than the benefits or rewards of the action. In ...

Act Vs. Rule Utilitarianism

First, utilitarianism needs to be defined. Utlitarianism is a moral theory which incorporates welfarism and consequentialism. Welfarists believe that the only thing that matters toward the goodness of an outcome is well-being(happiness), and consequentialists believe that only goodness of the results of an action are morally relevant, not the action which led to those results. ...