Articles for tag: Gynecological, Ultrasound, Ultrasound Technician

Getting a Transvaginal Ultrasound: What to Expect

An endovaginal or transvaginal ultrasound is when an ultrasound wand is inserted inside a woman’s vagina in order to get a far more accurate reading of the reproductive organ than if the ultrasound was passed over the belly. Despite its description, it is nowhere nearly as painful as a routine gynecological exam. First Coast News ...

Karla News

Are Ultrasounds Really Safe During Pregnancy?

Most women today receive routine ultrasound examinations during their pregnancies. While this procedure may be helpful in detecting the possibility of abnormalities in babies of pregnant women over the age of 40, they may be equally harmful to babies who are not at risk for any abnormalities. The possibility of a baby having any type ...

Karla News

What to Expect During a Venous Ultrasound

Some people may undergo an ultrasound of their legs before or after surgery to check the blood flow as well as to make sure there are no blood clots. A venous ultrasound is also done when your doctor suspects you may have blood clots because of swelling or tenderness. What is an ultrasound? An ultrasound ...

What to Expect During Your Prenatal Ultrasound

Most pregnant women will have an ultrasound at some point during their pregnancy. Many doctors schedule a routine ultrasound at around the 20th week of pregnancy. At this point, the ultrasound technician can get great views of the growing baby and examine all the organs and measure the size. This ultrasound is also a very ...

Karla News

What is a Carotid Doppler Ultrasound?

Doctors have a wide variety of devices available that are used to test just about every part of the body. A carotid doppler ultrasound is one of those many devices. This is a test where a doctor is able to look at the main arteries that feed blood to your brain. You have a left ...

Karla News

What to Expect During an Ultrasound or Sonogram

Your gynecologist or doctor may recommend an ultrasound, also known as a sonogram, to help diagnose or learn more about problems effecting your uterus or cervix. If you have an appointment for a non-pregnancy related ultrasound or sonogram, here is what you can expect. Before the Ultrasound or Sonogram Appointment You will be instructed by ...

Karla News

What to Expect at Your 20 Week Ultrasound

No doubt pregnancy is a very exciting time, and seeing your little bundle of joy on ultrasound is definitely a highlight. Somewhere between 18 and 22 weeks, generally, you will be sent for a diagnostic ultrasound. It is also sometimes referred to as an anatomy scan. What should you expect? Read on to find out. ...

Karla News

What Not to Do Before a Pelvic Ultrasound

During a pelvic ultrasound, the doctor, nurse, or medical professional moves a hand-held device, called a transducer, gently over your lower belly. The transducer sends reflected sound waves to a computer, which converts them to a picture of your organs. Ultrasound can “see” solid and fluid-filled organs, but not bones or air-filled intestines. You will ...