Articles for tag: Poetry for Kids, Tongue Twisters, Twisters

Karla News

How to Write Tongue Twisters

Tongue Twisters are hard to say when they are said out loud. It is a fun type of poetry for kids. You use similar consonant sounds either at the beginning of the poem or at the end. Tongue Twisters do not have to rhyme. Here is an example of a tongue twister where the words ...

Karla News

“T” Tongue Twisters

This is a trip. Try it. The topic today is T. Try that letter. Together. T. Now, say it out loud. Terrific! These “T Tongue Twisters” are for those little girls (any boys) that are missing those two bottom teeth and just can’t quite say it. “What?” You ask? The letter, T. (They’re also for ...

Karla News

The 1953 Worcester Tornado – 84 Minutes of Death

The last tornado in the United States to kill as may as ninety people, the Worcester Tornado of 1953 had winds estimated at over 317 miles per hour. The Worcester Tornado touched down in central Massachusetts in the late afternoon of June 9th, 1953, and for the next 84 minutes it obliterated everything in its ...

Karla News

Tongue Twisters: Develop Good Diction!

Get your tongue twisted? Untwist those tongues with a totally twistable tongue twister. Learn one or more of these every morning. Say it when you can throughout each day. There are twenty six of them. After saying each of them throughout the day for twenty six days, recite them all outloud, from memory. See how ...