Articles for tag: Truck Drivers, Truck Driving

Long Haul Truck Driving: Living or Existing?

Learning to drive a truck is the easy part, learning to exist in a truck and living over the road, is a whole different story. Truck driving life, to some drivers, is the basic form of existing. Existing, as defined in Webster, is “to have being in a specified place or with respect to understood ...

Off Road Trucking: Texas

Welcome to Texas, the 2nd largest state in the Union. Driving across the state, you will find yourself moving from lush wooded, grassy areas to barren deserts and everything in between. One thing that remains common, however, is oil. From West Texas to East Texas, you will see oil field after oil field. Sometimes, it ...

How to Obtain a Florida CDL License

The business of commercial driving has many Florida job opportunities throughout the state. Commercial drivers must have a commercial driver’s license (CDL). The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles issues these licenses. Prospective commercial drivers must first study for and pass a written CDL knowledge test. After passing that exam, applicants must then ...

Is it a Good Truck Driving Job?

how much does a truck driver actually make?every company in America that needs a driver recruits in their own way. some companies make a poor deal sound so good it makes the driver want to jump up and kiss the recruiter while other companies discreetly hire drivers and keep them by treating them like they ...

Regional Truck Driving Jobs

Ok, now regional truck driving jobs are a great option for many people. With regional jobs you are usually out 5 days a week and home on weekends. Now understand something: the freight you will be hauling is usually not predictable. Yes, there will be some customers that your company will have that will provide ...

Guide to a Career as a Truck Driver

Do you love to travel? Do road trips get your juices going? Have you always wanted to see the country? If so, then you might enjoy a career as a truck driver. Although it might not sound very glamorous, truck drivers make more than a decent living and tend to enjoy their jobs. Truck drivers ...

How to Get a Colorado CDL License

Colorado residents can create or expand opportunities for a driving career by getting a commercial driver’s license. Drivers of certain large vehicles and buses typically need one of these Colorado CDL licenses. Applicants first take a CDL knowledge (written test) at the Colorado Department of Revenue Division of Motor Vehicles. The Colorado DMV then issues ...

Truck Driving Companies

There are trucking companies that have a constant turnaround of drivers, and these trucking companies should be avoided at all cost. Truckers are leaving these companies for a reason. So, how does a truck driver know which trucking companies are good companies to work for and which trucking companies are bad? The following information will ...

How to Get a Massachusetts CDL License

Massachusetts has many opportunities to obtain work as a commercial driver. Residents interested in a driving career may need to get a commercial driver’s license. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation Registry of Motor Vehicles issues the CDL licenses required for large trucks and other commercial vehicles. Applicants first need to get a CDL permit for ...

Karla News

How to Get an Alaska CDL License

Truck drivers, school bus drivers and operators of other commercial vehicles need to obtain a commercial driver’s license. Applicants must take a CDL test that includes written knowledge and driving skills portions. Prospective commercial drivers in Alaska need to first obtain the resources to study for the written Alaska CDL test. They can then get ...