Articles for tag: Coral Bells, Tree Roots

Karla News

Plant a Shade Garden Under a Tree

Large trees, such as oaks, maples, beeches and ornamental crabs are valuable additions to the landscape, but they present challenges to the gardener. Large trees have long lives,. It would be a shame to cut down a majestic tree to make room for a garden. Trees create shade, with lovely protection from the sun and ...

Karla News

Growing Trees in Containers

Planting trees in containers is becoming more popular, especially in landscapes with little or no outside space. You don’t need a large piece of property to grow a tree. If you have a porch, patio, or balcony, you can grow a tree in large container. Container-grown trees can be used to frame entryways or to ...

Karla News

Plants to Grow in Your Dry Shade Garden

Most of us in the West who have trees growing around our homes thoroughly enjoy having them. What is a little bit trickier is figuring out exactly what to grow underneath the trees that won’t harm them. If you are lucky enough to have native trees, then what to plant beneath them can become problematic. ...

Karla News

DIY:Tree Stump Flower Bed

Have you ever been forced to saw down a tree in your yard? The tree might have been dead, or downed by a severe storm or high winds. Once the tree is down, you will have to decide what to do with the remaining stump and roots. Tree stump removal can be costly and time ...

Karla News

Plants that Grow Well Under Pine Trees

Pine trees are beautiful and practical in a number of ways. Not only do they provide a natural windbreak, but they look and smell amazing. The scent of natural pine is unlike anything available in a bottle, and pine trees are an eye-catching and appealing part of the landscape. In addition, shade-loving plants that require ...