Articles for tag: Angioplasty, Aspirin, Prostaglandins, Transient Ischemic Attack

How Aspirin Works to Protect Your Heart

When aspirin first began being used in the early 1900’s, it was advertised as being “Safe for your Heart”. Derived from several organic chemicals, aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid was long valued for it’s ability to reduce fever and inflammation. But as with all medications, there were (and are) fears about side effects, including ...

Karla News

Transient Ischemic Attack or Mini Stroke

Transient Ischemic Attack or Mini Stroke A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a stroke-like condition that brings on symptoms similar to a stroke, but only last a matter of minutes, usually dissipating within an hour. If these symptoms last more than twenty-four hours, it is usually categorized as a stroke. Reversible ischemic neurological deficit (RIND) ...

Karla News

Do Minor TIA Symptoms Mean No Treatment Necessary?

Sometimes, people who have experienced a transient ischemic attack (TIA) are not given clot-busting drugs because their doctors don’t consider the condition serious enough to treat, says a study. A TIA is a “mini stroke,” meaning, a blood clot forms in a blood vessel in the brain, blocking blood flow from that vessel to wherever ...

Karla News

Signs and Symptoms of a Mini Stroke

Have you recently noticed that you are experiencing signs of a problem in your sight? Or maybe you noticed that all of a sudden, you were having problems walking. You found yourself stumbling when there was nothing to stumble over or no reason to stumble. After taking a few steps, you tripped or your foot ...

TIA Symptoms: Is Your Doctor Taking Yours Seriously?

Be leery of a doctor who doesn’t seem too concerned that your worrisome but temporary symptom might have been a transient ischemic attack, which is a mini stroke. According to an article by Benjamin Wedro, MD, on, TIAs (transient ischemic attacks) can present with the following symptoms: Confusion, inability to follow commands, speech difficulties, ...

TIA: What Happens If You Ignore Transient Ischemic Attack?

A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is also commonly called a mini stroke, but don’t let the terminology of “mini” trick you into thinking that a TIA is nothing to get overly concerned about. If TIAs were called something like “stroke forerunners,” maybe they’d be taken more seriously, not just by patients but by doctors. Unfortunately, ...