Articles for tag: Blood Transfusions, Rh Factor, Tga, Transfusions

Karla News

Blood Transfusions and the Rh Factor

In 1994 I had a home-birth, but there were complications. My placenta completely retained and would not release from the uterus. I then began to hemorrhage; I kept passing out, and I thought for sure that I was probably going to die. By the time I made it to the hospital I had lost a ...

How to Deal with Thalassemia

What is Thalassemia? Thalassemia is a complex series of inherited genetic disorders that involve the underproduction of hemoglobin, the red protein molecule that transports oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues. Hemoglobin is also important in reverse because it returns carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. It has two goblins an Alfa ...

Donate Blood: Save a Life

According to the Red Cross, someone in the United States needs blood every 2 seconds. But only 5% of eligible residents donate blood every year. Donating blood is an excellent way of saving a life, or two. If you have never donated blood, you should seriously consider it. Why Do People Need Blood? People need ...