Articles for tag: Training Plan

First Person: My Weekly Military Fitness Routine

I have been in the military for almost 15 years now. During initial entry training, a large portion of a military member’s time consists of physical fitness training. Once I got to my regular active-duty unit, we had organized physical fitness training four days per week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday were physical training first ...

100 Pushups Program: Pros and Cons

Nearly everyone is looking for a way to be healthier, stronger, or better built. The ‘Hundred Push Up’ program tells you that in 6 weeks you could be doing 100 consecutive push ups. Is this possible? What about safe. First off, I will tell you that in the 4 years I took gym in high ...

Karla News

Beginner Marathon Training Plans

Do you have dreams of running a marathon? Have you been running for awhile and wish to take your training to the next level? Here are several marathon training plans that you can find online to choose from. Remember to listen to your body and take plenty of time to rest and recover throughout your ...

Strength Training Benefits Older Adults

With the wide publicity America is receiving in regards to the growing obesity rate, there are countless programs designed to lose weight and get in shape. Strength training has obvious benefits to those looking to burn calories otherwise stored as excess fat. What is not so widely talked about is the benefit that strength training ...