Articles for tag: First Marathon, Marathon Training, Running a Marathon, Training for a Marathon

What it Takes to Train for a Marathon

Training and preparations for a marathon can be a daunting task. Many questions can arise. There are common questions when running a marathon for the first time. Some of those questions are how long is a marathon, when the best time is to start training for a marathon, and which type of training produces the ...

How to Run a Marathon: Tips for Race Day

If you’re reading this article, you already know that training for a marathon is not easy. You’ve probably spent nearly every day for the past six months hitting the road or the treadmill with your favorite running shoes (likely having gone through multiple pairs), not to mention the “long runs” which have consumed your Saturdays ...

My Daily Fitness Routine for Running

I have recently been able to increase my training for competitive running since the beginning of the year. This has been a wonderful thing since it took quite a long time to recover from a foot injury and some other health issues that plagued me for a couple of years. Now that I have finally ...

Karla News

Tips for Women Training for a Marathon

Training for a marathon can be extremely taxing on both the body and mind. That stress can be very rewarding if you train correctly, or very damaging if you don’t. I have put together a list of some tips to help women train for that 26 miles and 386 yards race without destroying your body ...

Treating Knee Pain Caused by Running

Are you training for a marathon? Doing lots of sprints at the local high school track? Plagued with sore knees, and don’t understand why? Both long and short distance runners may, at some point or another, have sore knees. Sore knees often plague beginning runners. Here are a few tips to help heal your knees ...