Articles for tag: Tetracycline, Tooth Sensitivity, Tooth Whitening

Karla News

Limitations and Possible Side Effects of Tooth Whitening

In Part 1 of this two part series, I told you what tooth whitening is and the methods of delivery that are available. Now, I will talk about the limitations and possible side effects of tooth whitening, options for long-term maintenance, the costs associated with tooth whitening, and some ideas that may help you get ...

Karla News

How to Know If a Tooth is Dying

Knowing the difference between sensitive teeth and a tooth that is dying could save you days and weeks of discomfort. The initial symptoms experienced when a tooth is dying are very similar and easy to miss; this could cause someone to delay going to a dentist until their symptoms are much more severe. Nobody should ...

Acidosis: Excessively High Body Acid PH

The following information has been gathered and compiled through personal experience while traveling, teaching T’ai Chi, Qi Gong, Chinese Herbal medicine, martial arts and other health related subjects. The article also contains feedback from students and anecdotal information from readers of my columns. The following are my opinions and deductions from those sources. Acidosis is ...