Articles for tag: German Measles, Measles, Rheumatic Fever, Scarlet Fever, Tonsillitis

Types and Causes of Fever

Almost everyone is familiar with the uncomfortable sensations brought about by a high temperature or fever. In small children, fever can give rise to fibrile convulsion but mostly results are less severe. A raised temperature is a symptom of many common illnesses. For any fever that persists medical attention should be sought. Causes The commonest ...

Tonsillitis, Laryngitis and Pharyngitis

The air we breathe in contains a vast number of organisms which is why most infections, laryngitis and pharyngitis, occur in the throat. The number one reason for doctor visits is pharyngitis, a sore throat caused by inflammation in the back of the throat. Pharyngitis is usually accompanied by a cold or a flu, but ...

Karla News

Natural Remedies for Curing Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is a term used to refer acute inflammation of the tonsils. It is also commonly known as acute sore throat. Cases in which there is enlargement of the tonsils accompanied by repeated attacks of infection is termed as chronic tonsillitis. The two small lymphoid organs that lie on each side of the throat are ...

Karla News

Treating Your Dog’s Pneumonia with Albon

Like humans, your family dog can develop an infection of any bodily system. In many dogs, the development of infection often begins as respiratory but may involve the genitourinary system as well. While infections such as tonsillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia are quite rare, your dog can develop the infection and require veterinarian attention. When your ...

Karla News

Rosa Parks’ Early Life

Early LifeRosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama to James McCauley and Leona Edwards. She suffered poor health and had chronic tonsillitis at an young age. She moved with her mother to Pine Level when her parents separated. She then grew up on a farm with her grandparents, mother, and younger ...

Karla News

Cryptic Tonsillitis

Do you get frequent sore throats? Have you ever looked inside your mouth in a mirror and noticed your tonsils seem swollen? Do you sometimes feel like there is a foreign object caught in the back of your throat or occasionally cough up small, white, stone-like growths? If this is the case and your tonsils ...

Treat Your Cat’s Respiratory Infection with Lincocin

When your family pet is ill, there are unique family dynamics that are involved. Because your family dog or family cat is unable to verbalize how they feel, they will rely heavily upon your instincts and willingness to seek medical attention on their behalf. For many cats, there is a risk for developing a complication ...

How to Recover from Adult Tonsillectomy

We often hear how a tonsillectomy is a pretty easy surgery for kids to recover from and how it is typically more difficult for adults. Adults may not realize just how difficult it might be, however. Knowing more fully what to expect in recovery from adult tonsillectomy and preparing in advance can make the experience ...

Karla News

When to Be Concerned About a Sore Throat

At one time or another, most of us have suffered from a sore throat. The area behind the tongue, top, bottom and sides, feels raw, scratchy and painful. It hurts to swallow, and even smooth, bland food can feel like jagged slivers of glass as it passes by irritated throat tissue. A sore throat can ...