Articles for tag: Tonsil Stones

Karla News

Diary of a Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy

My son, Cameron, has had issues with snoring and sleep apnea for quite some time. According to the pediatrician and the ear nose and throat specialist, the cause of his issues were enlarged tonsils and adenoids. The ear, nose and throat specialist also felt like removing those would help him with some of the other ...

Tonsillitis, Laryngitis and Pharyngitis

The air we breathe in contains a vast number of organisms which is why most infections, laryngitis and pharyngitis, occur in the throat. The number one reason for doctor visits is pharyngitis, a sore throat caused by inflammation in the back of the throat. Pharyngitis is usually accompanied by a cold or a flu, but ...

Karla News

Natural Remedies for Curing Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is a term used to refer acute inflammation of the tonsils. It is also commonly known as acute sore throat. Cases in which there is enlargement of the tonsils accompanied by repeated attacks of infection is termed as chronic tonsillitis. The two small lymphoid organs that lie on each side of the throat are ...

Peritonsillar Abscess: Symptoms & Treatment

A peritonsillar abscess is something you want to avoid in your life at all costs. I have had throat infections before, but nothing compared to how awful this infection was. My throat had been bothering me a little bit from sinuses, but this was not uncommon with the weather change. I do not believe that ...

Mononucleosis; Symptoms and Treatments

Mononucleosis, commonly known as mono is a horrible little virus that generally afflicts teens and young adults. Children can get it, but the symptoms are often mild to nonexistent and adults have in all likelihood already built up immunities. Mono is characterized by an intense feeling of weakness and a lack of will to do ...

Karla News

Cryptic Tonsillitis

Do you get frequent sore throats? Have you ever looked inside your mouth in a mirror and noticed your tonsils seem swollen? Do you sometimes feel like there is a foreign object caught in the back of your throat or occasionally cough up small, white, stone-like growths? If this is the case and your tonsils ...

What to Expect for a Tonsillectomy Surgery

Let’s first discuss the definition of a tonsillectomy surgery. It’s when one’s tonsils are surgically removed. Plain and simple for its definition. However, the consideration and choice aren’t as easy as the simplistic terminology in removing them. Before we delve into the subject let’s first discuss what are tonsils are and what they do for ...

Karla News

Symptoms of a Sluggish Lymphatic System

Few people think about the role the lymphatic system plays inthebody’s immunity. The lymphatic system is a large vessel system that includes lymph nodes throughout the body, which carry impurities from nearly every cell in the body, and is responsible forremoving cellular toxins, and preventing disease. There is even more lymph fluid in the body ...

Could Your Sore Throat Be Strep?

A scratchy sore throat is often the first symptom of the onset of a cold. It’s often one of the first reasons for a trip to the doctor’s office during cold and flu seasons. If the sore throat is from the onset of a cold virus, then it should only last a few days. Over ...