Articles for tag: Butterbur, Food Sensitivities, Teeth Grinding, TMJ

Top Ten Natural Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine

There’s no mistaking a migraine, that is, unless you’ve come up with another explanation for the throbbing head pain, intense nausea, and sensory sensitivity that can last for days. Even if medication works to ease migraines, it doesn’t address the problems that may be behind the attacks, such as physical and emotional strain, physiological imbalances, ...

How Rheumatoid Arthritis Affects Oral Health

People who suffer with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) live with an array of symptoms that range from mild to debilitating. The obvious effects of RA are on the joints of the the hands, wrists, knees and feet. Less well known are the myriad effects on oral health. RA is a chronic, systemic disease. RA is a ...

Reducing TMJ Pain and Jaw Discomfort

Although 10 million Americans suffer from jaw pain at any moment, the exact cause and proper treatment course for jaw pain varies by physician/provider. Even diagnoses vary, with jaw pain being termed TMJ (temporomandibular joint), TMJ Syndrome, and TMD (temporomandibular disorder), among many others. Patients with debilitating pain often travel between dentists, general practitioners, physical ...

That Pain in Your Jaw May Be TMJ

Do you have pain in your jaw? Does your cheeks and jaw area swell? Does your jaw pop when you chew or talk? Do you realize that you may have TMJ? What is TMJ? TMJ is referred to as Temporomandibular joint disease or disorders. What is your temporomandibular joint? It is the joint that connects ...

Common Causes of Ringing in the Ears

We have all experienced it at one time or another: an obnoxious, sometimes high-pitched ringing sensation deep within our ears, also known as tinnitus. While this is a very common short-term issue when exposed to high noise volumes, it can also be a chronic problem, which actually may be caused by a few surprising sources. ...

Karla News

TMJ- a Nagging and Painful Disorder

There’s that nagging hurting feeling again. A pain shoots from your ear tube all the way down to your jaw. It is enough to stop you in your steps, or make you immediately stop what you were saying. What is this pain that comes and goes all of the time? Well, the situation describe above ...

Karla News

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Arthroscopy

The history of TMJ arthroscopy can be traced to the development of the Watanabe No 24 Selfoc arthroscope. In 1970 Ohinishi reported on arthroscopy of the cadever TMJ. Techonological improvements led to the development of the 55 and 70 degree arthroscope. The first report of diagnostic TMJ arthroscopy was performed in 1975. Murakami and colleagues ...

Fibromyalgia and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

If you have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction in addition to your regular fibromyalgia pain, you have pain that shoots through your face, jaw, and neck, a jaw that clicks or pops when you open it, stiff jaw muscles, limited movement or locking of your jaw, and a noted change in the way that the upper ...

Karla News

Jaw Pain, the TMJ, and Your Dentist

The most vexing of dental ailments effects the muscles and joint that allow for the lower jaw to move. Patients present to their dentists and to specialists with a litany of complaints that require time and effort to resolve. Insurance does not usually cover the treatments which often adds financial pressure to frustration. The TMJ ...

Naturally Treat Neuralgia Associated with Bell’s Palsy

For individuals who suffer with Bell’s Palsy, there is an increasingly greater incidence of suffering from a long term condition known as neuralgia. While neuralgia can affect anyone, those who suffer from conditions such as Bell’s Palsy will realize a greater risk for developing this complex condition. Neuralgia is simply defines as a cyclical pain, ...