Articles for tag: Air Drying, chili's, Cooking with Herbs, Drying Herbs, Thyme

Karla News

How to Dry Your Own Fresh Herbs

Our ancestors used to grow different herbs and then dry them, preserving them for use later in the year. Why then, do we feel as though we have to use our garden-grown herbs right away and spend up the nose for a jar of thyme or oregano? No more! Fresh herbs and chilis can be ...

Karla News

Cooking with Thyme

Thyme is a versatile herb that you can use in just about any recipe. At thanksgiving you’ll find it in turkey stuffing. In the winter you’ll enjoy it in savory soups and chowders. It pairs well with fish and is often used in rubs for lamb and beef. Because the leaf is so tiny, it’s ...

Health Benefits of Thyme

The name Thyme is a derivative of a Greek word meaning ‘to fumigate’. It is said that the Greeks used Thyme as incense because it symbolized grace and elegance. Others derive the name from the Greek word thumus, which signifies courage. Classified as T. vulgaris, thyme is a perennial herb cultivated in most countries with ...

Karla News

The Italian Seasoning Herb Garden

Italian Seasoning is a combination of several different herbs. While most people would use it for dishes such as spaghetti or lasagna it is a versatile combination that is great on most any meat dish, eggs, stews, and sprinkled on garlic bread for added flavor. While many people are happy purchasing their Italian Seasoning at ...

Karla News

5 Popular and Easy to Grow Herbs for Your Garden

Herbs can make a wonderful addition to your garden. Even if you only have a patio with some containers, herbs can have a place there. While some herbs are used for cooking, others have wonderful flowers and fragrance to them. Your plants can be solely for decoration if you wish, or flavor your dishes all ...

Culinary Uses for Thyme Leaves

In times past, ancient Greeks believed that the herb thyme gave them courage. Today, thyme leaves are used for cooking and are commonly found in a variety of savory dishes that are easy to prepare. For a simple side dish, a variety of different mushrooms can be sliced and sauteed with garlic and thyme herbs. ...