Articles for tag: Bacterial Infections, Candidiasis, Chronic Ear Infections, Oral Thrush, Thrush

Karla News

Oral Thrush: Fungal Infections in the Newborn

Oral thrush, also known as simply “Thrush”, is a common term used to describe a medical condition known as an oral form of Candidiasis. As a fungal infection of the mouth, many parents are alarmed at the presence of thrush in a newborn. While most notable in the first few weeks following birth, Thrush can ...

Karla News

Infant Thrush: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

One day, as your baby is yawning or crying, you may notice white patches on the inside of his mouth. Mothers often think these spots are residue from the last feeding and try to wipe them away. If the spots cannot be easily removed, your baby may be suffering from the oral yeast infection known ...

Karla News

How to Treat Infant Thrush

You see the white mark on your babies tongue, and you think no big deal its just milk stains. More often than not that is all it is. When you go in to wipe it out with a wet towel it should come right off, if you notice that it does not you may want ...

Karla News

Oral Thrush and Your Child

Oral thrush is a type of fungal infection that commonly effects small children and infants. It is also seen in adults, especially those who’s immune system is not functioning properly. Oral thrush is caused by a specific fungus known as candida albicans. This fungus is present in just about everyone, but normally does not cause ...

Karla News

Using Gentian Violet to Treat Thrush

Any woman who has ever had to nurse a baby while dealing with thrush knows that it can be extremely painful and extremely difficult to get rid of. Nystatin is often the first thing that doctors will prescribe to treat thrush, but the yeast that causes thrush has become resistant to Nystatin – not to ...

Karla News

What is Oral Thrush?

Oral Thrush is a condition that affects the lining of the mouth. The fungus Candida albicans begins to accumulate within the mouth. This produces white lesions within the mouth, which generally appear on the inner cheeks and tongue. The lesions can become painful and may bleed if they are scraped. In severe cases, the fungus ...

Karla News

6 Common Causes of Nipple Pain While Pumping

Pumping should not hurt, but if it is there are some adjustments that you should make in order to make yourself more comfortable. Here are six common reasons I have personally experienced that have made pumping painful and the ways that I have solved the problem: 1. Incorrect Alignment Make sure your nipples are centered ...

Hoof Problems that May Affect Your Horse

Keeping a horse’s hoof healthy is vital to the overall well being of the horse. There are many different diseases and conditions that you will need to keep your eye open for and take immediate action to remedy the situation. If a horse is suffering with a hoof ailment, the whole animal will suffer. Horses ...

Karla News

Dealing with Candida in Women

Thrush or Candida is a type of fungal infection that affects the vaginal area. It is often accompanied by cystitis and can be very uncomfortable. Candida is a normal part of the flora of the mouth, skin, intestinal tract, and vagina and care must be taking when treating it. The Symptoms of Vaginal Thrush Vaginal ...

Oral or Mouth Diseases, Causes and Symptoms

There are many oral or mouth diseases, however some are more common than others. Oral diseases or diseases of the mouth can be diagnosed by many different doctors including otolaryngologists, family practice physicians and in some instances even dentists. Oral diseases or diseases of the mouth can include virtually anything from diseases associated with smoking ...