Articles for tag: Aspergillus, Bromelain, Flite, Papain, Thrombosis

Karla News

What Are Fibrinolytic Enzymes?

When the body is healing from a wound, it will induce a process of scarring through the activation of thrombin and fibrinogen. Fibrinogen produces fibrin at the injury site to form the main texture of the scab. After fibrin crosslinks into scabbing and the body’s healing response proceeds, the immune system produces plasminogen. Plasminogen in ...

Treatments for Leg Blood Clots

Blood clots in the legs are medically known as a deep vein thrombosis, or DVT. DVTs are a serious medical issue which affect tens of thousands of people in America each year. It is estimated that up to 50,000 people in America will die each year due to complications from leg blood clots. Typically, these ...

Treatment for Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid

A hemorrhoid is a terrible thing to live with. However, when a hemorrhoid clots, it is even worse. The platelets in your blood automatically clot whenever they move too slowly. Generally, your heart keeps the blood flowing through your veins and arteries at a high pace, which prevents blood clots from having a chance to ...

How Can You Prevent and Treat Thrombosis

The formation of a clot of blood in a vein, artery or the heart, thrombosis is usually caused by damage to the lining of the blood vessel. Other causes are a stagnation of blood and an increased clotting tendency in the blood. Damage to a blood vessel wall causes the blood platelets to stick together ...

Symptoms of Leg Blood Clots

Every year, over 50,000 people in America die of complications due to leg blood clots. These blood clots are known in medical terms as deep vein thrombosis, or DVT. A deep vein thrombosis develops in the veins of your lower legs. These clots will then travel up your veins, into your heart, and then into ...