Articles for tag: German History, Hitler, Reich, Third Reich, Whitewashing

Some Thoughts on Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer

“I would have sold my soul like Faust” “in the final analysis I myself determined the degree of my isolation, the extremity of my evasions, and the extent of my ignorance.” The preponderance of historians agree that Albert Speer was a calculatingly selfish intellectual and a technocrat devoid of morality. But he was no empty ...

Karla News

Nazi Propaganda: Triumph of the Will

Whether they know it or not, most Americans are at least somewhat familiar with Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph of the Will.” Almost every documentary you have ever seen about Hitler or the Third Reich contains footage from this Nazi propaganda movie. It has also influenced the way movies are made because it introduced a number of ...

Ulm, Germany: Birthplace of Albert Einstein

We drove along the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) from our abode in Baden-Wurtemmberg to the Bavarian town of Ulm in the Swabian Alps for an afternoon stroll and lunch. The Ulm Műnster (Cathedral) boasts the world’s tallest steeple. The view from above after climbing 768 stairs is supposed to be stupendous, but I passed on the ...

A Review of Sir Ian Kershaw’s Biography of Hitler

Historians often ask themselves how history might have developed differently without particularly important people like Alexander the Great, Karl Marx, or Constantine. These individuals and people like them have made contributions so vast to the development of the human race that we would live in a different world if they have never been born or ...