Articles for tag: Brain Evolution, Evolution, Theory of Evolution, Thermodynamics

Karla News

The Theory of Evolution and What’s Wrong with the Arguments Against it

The Theory of Evolution is generally accepted as the best scientific explanation to explain the diversity of life on the planet. It applies to everything that we see alive, from bacteria to people. This theory proposes that all life on earth, no matter how simple or complex, derives from single-cell organisms.Over time, and due to ...

Why Evolution is Fact Not Theory

Okay first things first, a Scientific Theory is the best explanation that is supported by “ALL” of the evidence and provides the most plausible explanation of the observations of that evidence. Now most Creationist and Intelligent Design proponents have a specific set of arguments to support their position and in fact they are quite dedicated ...

Karla News

Physics and Perpetual Motion

No concept of physics has been more theorized, debated, or ridiculed more readily than the idea of a perpetual motion machine – a device that physicists and inventors have hoped to build since the study of physics began. The history of perpetual motion machines is a long and colorful one, filled with scientists adamant that ...

Karla News

10 More Bad Arguments Against Evolution

1. There are no transitional fossils. This is simply false. There is a large collection of transitional fossils. Here is a list of transitional fossils in the in the human family tree: Paromomyids Carpolestids Plesiadapids Darwinius Apidium Aegyptopithecus Proconsul Pierolapithecus Ardipithecus Australopithecus Homo habilis Homo erectus ‘Archaic’ sapiens 2. Evolution says there was nothing and ...

Karla News

Some Paradoxes of Physics

The amazing world of physics seems paradoxical in its very essence. Every so often it is fun and stimulating to be reminded of the physical paradoxes and let them blow the circuits of one’s brain. This article will undertake to show the differences between Zermelo’s paradox and Loschmidt’s Paradox as well as travel over into ...