Articles for tag: The Neverending Story, The Prestige

Karla News

Ten Fun Magic Movies that Aren’t Harry Potter

The Fifth Harry Potter is now a thing of the past and Muggles all around the world now have to wait another year to see another Harry Potter movie. But don’t fret because JK Rowlings didn’t invent magic. Magic was around way before Harry Potter and friends and will live on way past Harry Potter. ...

Karla News

The Prestige: A Mystical Story of Betrayal, Revenge and Morality

The first thing that crossed my mind when I saw this film was, albeit it looked quite amazing, I couldn’t quite get over the fact of Christian Bale starring. I’m not a big fan of him, quite disappointed with his roles in previous films like American Psycho and Reign of Fire, although I was, admittedly, ...

Karla News

Defining Social Class Through Occupational Hierarchy

Social class as a method of analyzing fiscal stratification is a relatively recent invention, intruding upon the social fabric in the decades after the Industrial Revolution. Before that social stratification had been based upon class as defined by birthright; either you were a peasant, a lowly merchant, or a member of the nobility. An enduring ...

Karla News

Japanese Jo-Ha-Kyu Method in The Prestige

Japanese culture has definitely had an influence on America. We have adapted many different things from the Japanese such as clothing style, music, and anime. What most may not notice much is the Jo-ha-kyu structure of Japanese music in American culture today. Jo-ha-kyu structure is found in many mediums from movies, books, dance, portraits, etc. ...

Karla News

An Ice Hotel Comes to North America

I must admit, I’m not a fan of cold weather. After 60 years in cold, snowy Philadelphia, I moved to Tucson, Arizona as soon as my kids were out of the house, and I now reside in (usually) warm Southern California. If I was ever going to stay in an ice hotel, I would want ...