Articles for tag: Bed Sores, The Elderly

Stereotypes of Older People: Are They Really True?

Everyone is familiar with stereotypes about elderly people. They range from lighthearted “over the hill” jokes, to harsher accusations of being senile, unable to think for themselves, and even having the mental capacity of a child. The truth is, many of these stereotypes do not serve as a true representation of the elderly population. Beyond ...

Karla News

Gift Ideas for the Elderly

It can be difficult to think of gift ideas for the elderly people on your holiday shopping list. The elderly usually have collected plenty of knickknacks, so what about some gift ideas for the elderly that don’t contribute to clutter or give the dust bunnies a place to hide? Following are six gift ideas for ...

Memory Games for the Elderly

It is very important for the elderly to exercise the mind as well as the body, and memory games can help. My grandmother began rapidly losing her memory after her husband died, and her downward spiral was attributed to dementia. Everyone forgets things at times, but for some, the memory becomes obviously troubling. My elderly ...

Karla News

Give a Chore Coupon Book to the Elderly

What do you give to a person who has everything? What do you give to a person who does not need anything at all? These descriptions often describe the elderly person on your gift-giving list. Elderly people who still live in their home surely have every item that they need and want from years of ...

Mismanaged Rib Fractures in the Elderly Population & the Burdens of the Healthcare System

With the elderly population expected to increase significantly over the next few decades, healthcare systems understand the burden that is projected to come. With shortages of nurses and physicians, the healthcare industry is struggling to manage and prepare for the extensive treatments needed by the elderly population, including the additional services needed in trauma centers. ...

Karla News

Great Ideas for Summer Activities for Senior Citizens

Looking for some fun ways to celebrate the summertime with your elderly loved one? Or perhaps you care for seniors professionally and would like some fun ways things to do with them. Whether at home or in a group, there are many ways that senior citizens can enjoy the “good ole summertime” in a fun, ...

Karla News

Abandonment of the Elderly

The U.S. Administration on Aging defines elder abandonment as “the desertion of an elderly person by an individual who has assumed responsibility for providing care for an elder, or by a person with physical custody of an elder.” Causes of abandonment vary depending upon culture. Traditional societies may abandon the aged to increase the chance ...