Articles for tag: Stock Cars, The Cars

Karla News

Generations of NASCAR Race Cars

Generation 1 The era of NASCAR’s first generation race car began in 1948, the Strictly Stock era, and came to an end following the 1966 season. While this generation may be the most storied due to the fact it was the original, it certainly lacked in technology and safety. Throughout NASCAR’s beginning phases, drivers and ...

Karla News

The Bat: A Legendary Suspended Roller Coaster

Have you ever seen a roller coaster train that hung from below its track? If not, you must think that is a zany idea. However, if you are a roller coaster enthusiast, you not only know about such a roller coaster, you are probably well aware of the legendary ride called the Bat, a now-legendary ...

Karla News

Train Birthday Cake

You’ll need: Box cake mix or recipe Frosting Assorted, small candies like jelly beans or M&Ms; Life Savers candies Black licorice Lots of little boys love trains. There’s just something exciting, to many boys, about the look and sound of a train. Many young boys collect train sets, books about trains and even train memorabilia. ...

Karla News

The 10 Songs by the Cars You Must Hear!

The Cars were the most successful New Wave act in the 1980’s. On six albums that were recorded and released between 1978 and 1987 they produced no less than 16 Billboard top 100 singles and every album they released ranked in the top 30 of the Billboard album charts. Here are the 10 songs from ...

Karla News

The Best 10 Songs by the Cars

Among the bands that came to prominence during the late 1970’s and early 80’s, the Cars numbered among the most influential musicians of the time. Frontman Ric Ocasek, who ran afoul of Dana Carvey’s “Church Lady” character on “Saturday Night Live,” wrote some truly unforgettable lyrics about the pain and frustration that goes along with ...

Karla News

Biography of Spree Killer Charles Starkweather

Charles Starkweather was an American spree killer who personified the pop-culture image of the rebel without a cause who runs away with his lover and kills everyone who gets in their way. Romantic, right? Quite frankly, it is not even romantic when they do it on television but when Charles Starkweather did it, it was ...