Articles for tag: Intelligence Quotient, Learning Difficulties, Tests

Karla News

What is an Achievement Test?

Achievement tests are designed to measure a student’s performance in specific academic areas such as reading comprehension, written or oral expression, and mathematical computations. An achievement test may be designed to be given to a large group of students at one time, or it may be intended for more individualized testing. Schools may make use ...

Karla News

SAT Subject Tests Explained

SAT subject tests are a little-mentioned but extremely important component of your college application. Not only do they allow you to demonstrate competence in different subject areas, they are also required by many colleges. Many students have never heard of SAT subject tests. Often, even if a student has heard of the tests, they dismiss ...

Karla News

Psychometric Tests and Their Reliability

Around the world, hundreds of millions of psychometric tests are used every year for educational purposes, placement of employees and certification of professionals. But many have started to wonder about how an increasing scepticism for the quality of these tests and their possible bias has been addressed. Aptitude Test Fairness The question as to whether ...

Karla News

Why Not Take Your Driver’s Test Online?

Taking your driver’s test online can be helpful, but is it right? Read on… Every time someone learns how to drive they are desired to have the knowledge and the experience to pass their driving test. In the olden days this driving test would have been administered in the normal way. This however has changed ...

Karla News

Order Your Own Lab Tests

Have you ever wished you could order your own lab tests? It is a little-known fact that individuals are able to order lab tests without a prescription from their doctor. Unless you live in New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts or Rhode Island, you can order medical lab tests from Private MD Labs or other ...

Karla News

How to Order Your Own Lab Tests Online

If you’ve ever seen a television or movie character walk into a lab and order his own lab tests without having seen a doctor, you probably wondered whether it was even possible in real life. It is, but not necessarily the way it’s depicted onscreen. Most of the time, your doctor decides which lab tests ...

Karla News

Roadside Sobriety Testing for DUI

If you blow a breath test for alcohol that is above the legal limit, a citation for drunk driving is inevitable. But what if you are under the legal blood alcohol limit and the arresting officer writes you a DUI citation anyway. What other tests do police use to decide whether you are impaired? Most ...