Articles for tag: Kefir, Probiotic Foods, Snack Bars, Stonyfield Farm, Tempeh

Karla News

Great Probiotic Food Sources

One of the fastest growing trends in health food is probiotics. These friendly bacteria required for proper digestion can be found in several food products. Consuming foods rich in “good” bacteria can restore the body’s natural digestive health and reverse the damage done by overuse of antibiotics or poor eating habits. Probiotic foods must contain ...

Karla News

Easy Vegan Snacks for Kids

Kids like to snack. Since their little bellies can only hold so much food at a time,they are natural grazers, typically eating several very small meals a day.How can you provide your child with fun vegan snacks in a non-vegan world? A vegan is a person who does not consume any animal derived products. This ...

Karla News

Guide to Cooking and Eating Tempeh

If you’ve explored the tofu section of your local natural food store or supermarket, you may have stumbled across a grainy-looking slab called tempeh. Tempeh (tehm-pay) is a fermented grain product that often makes an appearance in vegetarian dishes. This versatile ingredient is a staple food of Indonesia, and has been embraced by many-a vegetarian ...

The Health Benefits of Tempeh

Tempeh is a popular source of non-meat protein for vegetarians. Despite its reputation as a meat free alternative for vegetarians and vegans, it’s also a healthy choice for meat eaters. Substituting tempeh for a portion of the meat in recipes is an excellent way to lower saturated fat intake while not sacrificing taste. This fermented ...

Karla News

The Health Benefits of Soybeans

The soybean (Glycine max) is a member of the legume family. Although the soybean is native to southeastern Asia, more than 50 percent of the worlds soybeans are produced in the United States. Soy foods are rich in health benefits and provide a high-protein diet without the fats found in meats. Soybeans are also loaded ...