Articles for tag: Free Knitting Patterns, Knitting, Knitting Patterns, Tatting, Yarns

Karla News

Free Knitting Patterns

I love knitting and I love free. These sites have enough free patterns to keep you knitting for a life time. And they are all so unique. You can go to each site, search for a particular pattern, and find a different tone on each site. There are more things here than patterns. You can ...

Karla News

String Art, Decor and Craft Projects

You probably have string, thread, twine or other such items for tying, sewing and other household needs, but did you know that string is also good for many decor, craft and art projects? String is cheap, too, so you can use miles of it without racking up a huge tab on craft supplies. One type ...

My Second Tatted Table Cloth

So as I was tatting my first table cloth my friend was watching me. I tried to talk her into learning how to tat but since she has too many other interests I was not able to force my will on her. She really loved the cloth I was making for my father and she ...

How to Mount Tatting on Clothing

There are two ways in which tatting can be mounted for use on clothing and items such as bags, towels and so on. One is as an edging, the other is as applique. In the latter form, it can almost take on the appearance of embroidery. The most common use for tatting on clothing in ...