Articles for tag: Erythematosus, Lupus, SLE, Systemic Lupus

What Are the Types of Lupus?

Miriam was surprised that she felt so tired toward the end of a relaxing beach vacation. When she got home, she attributed the butterfly-shaped rash on her nose and cheeks to too much sun. However, a few months later, she found out she was suffering from one of the types of lupus. What exactly is ...

Karla News

Types and Classifications of Childhood Lupus: An Overview

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease attributed to an autoimmune response within the body. When this autoimmune response occurs, the body creates natural antibodies in response to healthy tissue, believing that healthy tissue is a foreign substance. For parents who care for a child who is suffering from lupus, it is important to understand not ...

Karla News

Do You Have Lupus?

You go to the doctor complaining of a rash, painful swollen joints, a fever, trouble breathing or chest pain. Maybe you have eczema or arthritis, asthma or the flu. Maybe you have Lupus. Maybe you will leave the doctor’s office with the wrong diagnosis and medication that will not help you. But one is for ...

Karla News

Types of Inflammatory Arthritis

Inflammatory arthritis is arthritis which will inflame the joints. There are many types of this type of arthritis, but to simplify it, I am only going to go over a few types and tell what these types are specifically. First, you must understand that any type of inflammatory arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune diseases ...