Articles for tag: Symbology

Karla News

‘Twilight Saga’ Gone Mormon

Many who have read the “Twilight Saga” have been asking the question: is “Twilight” based on Mormon teachings? Stephanie Meyer author of the “Twilight Saga” is a faithful member of the Mormon church. There are many similarities in the “Twilight Saga” that can also be found in Mormon Teachings. I myself am a faithful member ...

Creating Your Own Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms is a heralding tradition that dates back to the 12th century but has been of little interest in the past several hundred years until the most recent royal wedding. In order for Kate Middleton to become the next princess, she must have her own coat of arms that can be merged ...

Karla News

Exploring the Myth of the Phoenix

The mythical bird known as the phoenix combines the acts of death and rebirth into a powerful image; that of a creature of such strength and majesty that it can burn itself up and then rise again from its own ashes. But where did such a concept arise and what does it represent? Some credit ...

Karla News

Analysis of Philip Larkin’s “High Windows”

“Swinging London” was a term coined by Time magazine, in their April 15, 1966 issue, in order to define the culture and fashion scene in 1960s London. Philip Larkin’s poem High Windows was written in 1967 amidst the “Summer of Love,” in London. The “summer of love” introduced drug use and “free” sex. During this ...