Articles for tag: Bladder Problems, Swim Bladder

Karla News

Why Your Goldfish are Swimming Upside Down

Goldfish will often times swim upside down. They do not do this by choice, they are having problems with their swim bladder. If you want to help out your fish you will want to first try to fast your fish for at least three days. This is to help the digestive track start moving. One ...

Karla News

Lionhead Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Lionhead goldfish are goldfish without dorsal or top fins. Their bodies are egg-shaped and their fins are comparatively small in comparison with their bodies. This makes them far slower swimmers than common or comet goldfish. For this reason, they are best kept with either other lionheads or slow-swimming fancy goldfish like ranchus or orandas. Although ...

Karla News

Fishing Tip: How to Catch Albacore

Albacore is a member of the mackerel family. It resides worldwide in temperate seas, includ­ing the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is most abundant in the Pacific Ocean, where it ranges from Alaska to Mexico. (There are two populations of alba­core in the Pacific Ocean-one below the equator and the other above it since albacore ...

Karla News

Ryukin Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Ryukin goldfish are a type of fancy goldfish that do not make good wet pets for anyone who has never kept fish before. They have different care needs than a common or comet goldfish. Anyone considering bringing a Ruykin into their lives needs to be experienced with keeping common goldfish, black moors or fantails. Ryukins ...

Karla News

How to Keep a Goldfish Tank Clean

When I started keeping fish as pets, I was warned that all goldfish do is eat and create waste. Regardless, I chose to not only buy goldfish, but devote an entire tank to them. I currently have a 29 gallon tank that I keep 2-3 goldfish in along with a pleco. During the past year ...

Karla News

10 Most Amazing Facts About Animals You Never Knew

There are so many fascinating facts about animals, we couldn’t possibly ever learn them all. So here is a list of 10 amazing animal facts I have learned. Who knows, you may learn something new too. Lonesome George Lonesome George is the name of the rarest animal on the earth. Rarest, because he is the ...

Karla News

Black Moor Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Black moor goldfish are the most popular goldfish with an egg-shaped or nearly round-shaped body. Usually fan-tails or egg-shaped goldfish cannot swim very well and are at a distinct disadvantage when placed in a tank with long-bodied goldfish like the common, comet or shubunkin. The long-bodied fish are faster swimmers and can gobble up the ...