Articles for tag: Phobias, Swamps

Sharing Your Home with a Swamp Rat: Phobias!

Everyone has his or her phobias. Mine happen to be spiders and earthworms. I can’t say where mine originate, that is not even the issue. This is about a family member of mine who has a phobia of mice and feet. Not mice and feet together but separate. The feet thing, I have no idea ...

Karla News

Flowers to Plant in a Swamp Garden

People who live in lowlands where swamps are common like they are in parts of Connecticut, my home state, can grow flowers that are well suited to this type of environment. Swamp flowers do not require a whole lot of care, which makes it easy for them to grow. Watering is never a problem, since ...

Karla News

Bald Cypress: State Tree of Louisiana

The state tree of Louisiana is the Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum). This tree is also known as cypress, white cypress, Gulf cypress, southern cypress, red cypress, swamp cypress, and yellow cypress. The bald cypress is a close relative of the pond cypress which tends to be found growing in ponds and wet areas in southeastern ...

Karla News

Confederate Indians in the Civil War

In spite of popular opinion that the American Civil War was fought only by whites on the side of the South, there is considerable proof that they were joined by Native Americans in the struggle for Southern Independence. One of the most famous of these Native Americans even went on to reach the rank of ...