Articles for tag: Atlanta Restaurants, Outdoor Jobs, Summer Internships

Part-time Jobs and Jobs for Teens in Atlanta

Summer is almost here. If you are a college or high-school student it is probably time to start looking for a summer job. If you live in or around Atlanta, there are plenty of job opportunities available. Look around for something you’ll enjoy doing. There are so many to chose from, there is no reason ...

Summer Housing for Summer Internships

You have survived the Spring semester and have the summer internship of your dreams lined up. The problem? It’s in a city that you or anyone you know does not live in and you do not have anywhere to stay. While living in a strange city for the summer may seem like a daunting task, ...

Karla News

A Guide for Medical Internships for Undergraduates

If you know that you want to pursue a career in the medical field, then you definitely want to check out all the available medical internships for undergraduates. There are so many advantages to taking on a medical internship. Just like any other career field, actual experience as a medical intern and experiencing real life ...

Karla News

The Best Bars of Lower Manhattan

Lower Manhattan is one of the richest part of America’s largest city. The Brooklyn Bridge is here, as well as Battery Park and the Statue of Liberty. It is from this part of New York that you can catch the free Staten Island ferry, whether for sightseeing or travel to the city’s more isolated outer ...

Karla News

Great Seasonal Jobs for Single College Students

So you’re a single student in college and you need some serious cash to be able to go back to school after the summer. But you don’t want to sell security systems or pest control. Do you have to go to work in the local burger joint? Heck no! There are myriad excellent jobs for ...

Karla News

Summer Jobs for Students in Iowa

A summer job is a great way for a teen to show responsibility, and earning extra spending money is always great. In Iowa, there are many alternatives to the standard retail summer jobs for teens and young adults. The summer months are ideal for outdoor work and the jobs are endless. As an agricultural state, ...