Articles for tag: Stroke Risk Factors, Stroke Symptoms

Karla News

Cholesterol Does Not Predict Stroke Risk in Women

Cholesterol and other lipids (fats), attached to proteins, form globules that circulate in our blood stream. As a graduate student, I studied the proteins in these fat globules to elucidate their role in disease. One of these globules, LDL (low density lipoprotein) and total cholesterol are routinely measured to predict stroke risk. But a new ...

Karla News

Problems Encountered After a Stroke

Stroke is a condition that occurs when a part or portions of the brain do not get enough blood supply. This may occur as a result of blockage or rupture of the blood vessel, which can cause a part or parts of the brain to not receive blood. While stroke can affect people of any ...

Karla News

Symptoms of Stroke

What is a Stroke? A stroke, sometimes called a “brain attack,” occurs when blood flow is cut off to certain areas of the brain. This can be caused by a blood clot blocking an artery, or when a small blood vessel bursts. When the brain does not receive enough blood, the brain cells begin to ...