Articles for tag: Early Symptoms, Picky Eating, Strep, Strep Throat, Toxic Shock Syndrome

Karla News

Strep Throat Symptoms in Dogs

Yes, dogs can get strep throat, and it can be deadly, so you should know the symptoms. My parents’ dog almost died from strep throat, thanks to a misdiagnosis by a veterinary neurologist who was treating the animal for a brain tumor. One day the German shepherd was listless and had a poor appetite, eyes ...

Symptoms and Treatments of Strep Throat

Strep throat is a bacterial infection in the throat that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. It is caused by streptococcal bacteria, and it’s contagious and spreads quite easily. Symptoms of strep throat Fever Headache Difficulty swallowing and/or painful swallowing Swollen lymph nodes in neck Painful/sore throat Swollen tonsils that appear red Red ...

Karla News

Key Symptoms and Complications of Strep Throat

Are you having a sudden and severe sore throat but don’t have other cold like symptoms? Do you have a fever over 101 degrees and having difficulty swallowing? You may have strep throat. Below are seven common symptoms showing you have strep throat: 1. The first symptom that occurs when you have strep throat is ...

Karla News

Guttate Psoriasis on My Face

This is my face… Sometimes it is quite lovely and two months ago I was out driving to a “Boutique for the Soul” event as a vendor, got lost and asked a young man for directions who ended our conversation with “you are a very beautiful woman by the way.” A statement to which I ...

Karla News

Strep Throat Season is Upon Us. Be Ready!

The bacteria responsible for strep throat cause fifteen to twenty percent of all sore throats, the vast majority of the rest are caused by viruses. Strep throat is the result of an infection initiated by the group A streptococci bacteria, but is treatable with antibiotics, in contrast to viral related sore throat sources. Children in ...

Karla News

Review: Walgreen’s Homeopathic Zinc Lozenges

This past Saturday, I woke up with a sore throat. It was bothering me to the point I felt I needed something so I ended up driving up the street to Walgreen’s in search of something. At the time, it felt like I had a cold starting and, I have found zinc therapy drugs like ...

Karla News

How to Make Strep Throat a Less Painful Experience

Strep Throat is no fun at all. It can be a really miserable, painful experience. Knowing how to lessen the severity of your strep symptoms is important. Although antibiotics, like penicillin and amoxicillin, are used to get rid of the bacterial infection, it won’t always make the pain go away. I’ve had strep throat at ...

Karla News

Why Your Kid May Have Strep and You Don’t Know It

There are some things that people just don’t prepare you for as a parent. Like the time I was holding my baby up in the air and talking to her and she threw up in my mouth. Another thing people don’t seem to warn us fellow parents about is all the different kinds of illnesses ...

Could Your Sore Throat Be Strep?

A scratchy sore throat is often the first symptom of the onset of a cold. It’s often one of the first reasons for a trip to the doctor’s office during cold and flu seasons. If the sore throat is from the onset of a cold virus, then it should only last a few days. Over ...