Articles for tag: Jack Kerouac, Prose, Spontaneous, Stream of Consciousness

Karla News

Spontaneous Prose of Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac is most commonly remembered for publishing his seminal account of the ‘Beat’ Generation in On the Road. However, while exposing the world to a downtrodden, nuclear holocaust fearing generation, Kerouac was changing the world of modern prose. His steady ‘stream of consciousness’ prose, referred to by fellow Beat poet, Allen Ginsberg, as ‘Jazz ...

Karla News

Kerouac’s Vision of Spontaneous Prose

Jack Kerouac is most commonly remembered for publishing his seminal account of the ‘Beat’ Generation in On the Road. However, while exposing the world to a downtrodden, nuclear holocaust fearing generation, Kerouac was changing the world of modern prose. His steady ‘stream of consciousness’ prose, referred to by fellow Beat poet, Allen Ginsberg, as ‘Jazz ...

Karla News

How to Use Stream of Consciousness in Your Writing

Stream of consciousness is an unedited, unstructured and uninterrupted form of writing. It originated with the novel, Lauriers sont coupés, by Édouard Dujardin. The technique was then adopted by writers such as James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and William Faulkner, and given its ultimate name. In this literary technique, often described as an “internal monologue,” a ...