Articles for tag: Stop Motion, Stop Motion Animation

Karla News

How to Make a Stop-Motion (Claymation) Movie: A Beginners Guide

Making a Claymation or stop-motion animation is easier than you think. Whether you dream of one day unleashing your animated madness on the world, or you’re just looking for an extremely time consuming hobby, an introduction to stop motion animation could be for you. So you’ve decided to become the next Aardman. You will need ...

Karla News

What Can Be Done with Toy Army Men?

Real toy army men are the ones who are very small plastic figures and come with a base. Army men have been inspiring young boys to throw sense to the wind and join the army for decades as well as providing others who aren’t as influenced by the militaristic bent involved with playing war and ...

Karla News

The Best Stop-Motion Films Throughout the Years and from Around the World

“ParaNorman” and “Frankenweenie” are the latest stop-motion animated films to hit theaters. Stop-motion uses claymation and puppetry to create a unique animated look very different from anything Disney or Pixar can create. No matter how advanced animation techniques become, stop-motion will always remain. Here are several of the best stop-motion films, animation and live-action, throughout ...

Karla News

How theRudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Film was Brought to Life

With so many CG animated movies being released these days like Shrek, Beowulf, Happy Feet and others, it is always nice to look back and see how the animation has evolved before fully CG made movies were around. One great example is the holiday classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Made in 1964, Rudolph looked less ...