Articles for tag: Bee Hives, Epinephrine, Stings, Wasps

Treating Bee and Wasp Stings

I’m pretty sure each of us has a “stupid bee story” we can recount. Mine occurred when I was abut 6 or 7 years old: I was smashing ants in the backyard with my father’s hammer (a truly way-cool thing to do at that age), when all of a sudden I saw a bee land ...

Treatment for Wasp Stings

If you’re looking for treatment for wasp stings, chances are that you’ve just been stung by a wasp or hornet. If so, hold off on the first aid and remedy seeking until you’ve assured yourself that you don’t have any signs of anaphylactic shock, such as confusion, nausea and vomiting, allergic swelling in the face, ...

Jellyfish Stings: Should I Be Worried?

Every summer beachgoers around the globe must deal with a variety of hazards. While most of them can be traced to human factors, a few occur naturally. As I found out one summer, there are hidden unseen dangers floating in the water. One second you are laughing and playing in the water and the next, ...

Home Remedies for Bites and Stings

Summer will be here soon and with it come the bees, wasps and mosquitoes, not to mention a whole lot of other pests that bite and sting. If you can’t avoid a bite or sting from these pests, use these all natural home remedies to ease the reactions that come with it. Home Remedies for ...

Karla News

Relieve Bee and Wasp Stings with Household Items

Bee and Wasp stings cause pain and swelling in the affected area. Most people know to put ice packs on stings to help reduce the swelling. However, there are a lot more household items you can use to help relieve the pain of bee and wasp stings. Before applying any of these household items on ...

Karla News

How to Prevent Jellyfish Stings

Jellyfish stings are a potential hazard when swimming in the ocean. While they are a fascinating marine species, they hold many dangers for humans who come into contact with them. Only a few of the many species of jellyfish have venom that is considered dangerous to humans but they can hurt extremely bad when you ...

Karla News

Bee Sting – Symptoms of Allergic Reactions

All bee stings result in allergic reaction. It depends on the individual how serious this reaction can be. When a bee stings you, the stinger gets lodged into the skin, and the bee cannot remove it by using its own strength. The bee has no choice but to pull away, dismembering part of its own ...

Karla News

Homemade Treatments for Bee Stings

I’ve had more than my share of bee stings already in my life. So having instant relief for the pain and swelling that a bee’s venom causes is a necessity for me. The next time you, or someone in your family, gets attacked by one of these insects, try these homemade treatments for bee stings! ...

Karla News

The Stings of Bullet Ants

Paraponera, or bullet ants, can be found in Nicaragua and Paraguay. They are known as bullet ants because victims of their stings claim that the sensation of being stung by one of these ants is similar to being shot. In fact, it is said that a bullet ant’s sting is 30 times more painful than ...