Articles for tag: Aromatic, Caraway, Stews

Karla News

Guide to Basic Kitchen Spices

Spices are the seeds, bark, buds, roots, fruit, flower parts, or pieces of tasty plants. The seeds make for added texture as well as the flavor. They can be made even more fragrant by toasting the seeds in a dry skillet. Usually you can use a good small coffee grinder, spice grinder, or a traditional ...

Karla News

Cajun Cooking – Fast and Simple Roux

Cajun cooking seems like a delectable treat you can only have if you go to south Louisiana. But that is not so. There are a few secrets to Cajun cooking that when revealed anyone anywhere can create fabulous gumbos, stews and ettouffes. First you make a roux. Roux is pronounced “roo”. Roux is the base ...

Karla News

A Guide to Canned Tomatoes

In the summer time, I use fresh tomatoes in much of my cooking. But what happens when fresh-tomato season is over? Tomatoes available during off season months are expensive and anemic looking, so then I go for canned tomatoes. That presents me with some minor cooking dilemmas. Sometimes I have stood in the canned foods ...

Karla News

Boiled Chicken Soups and Stews: 3 Autumn Comfort Recipes

Autumn is here, bringing with it cooler temperatures. It’s that time of year again to break out those soup and stew recipes you’ve been wanting to try. Chicken noodle soup is a delicious recipe that has stood the test of time. But it’s not the only kind of soup that can be prepared using chicken. ...

Karla News

Perennial Food Garden Series – Lovage

Lovage is a celery-like vegetable that can be planted from seed in the spring or fall and produces leaves and stalks that are edible in just a few months. The leaves can be cooked in soups, stews, and any dish requiring herbal flavor or used fresh in salads to complement lettuce. Young tender lovage leaves ...