Articles for tag: Cervical Spinal Stenosis, Physical Therapy, Spinal Stenosis, Stenosis

Physical Therapy for Cervical Spinal Stenosis

Those with cervical spinal stenosis often lose arm, shoulder and wrist strength. The discs of the cervical spine are sometimes herniated, the corresponding nerves become constricted, and the muscles are compromised. Many simple things that someone with cervical spinal stenosis could once do without thought or hesitation becomes laborious, and lifting too much can cause ...

What is a Venous Hum?

Parents are understandably concerned when the doctor says their child has a murmur or other atypical heart sound. Heart murmurs are fairly common in children, and, in most cases, they occur in children with normal, healthy hearts. Many children outgrow these “benign” murmurs with time. There’s another type of sound that doctors hear commonly when ...

Cervical Spinal Stenosis: Headaches and Pain

I have cervical spinal stenosis, and I had surgery to open the way for the nerves that were severely compressed almost seven years ago. Before seeking relief with the help of pain medication and muscle relaxers, I suffered from frequent pain and muscle spasms across my shoulders and around the area of the cervical spinal ...

Karla News

Help for Cervical Spinal Stenosis Pain

Pain caused by cervical spinal Stenosis can be excruciating, even years after surgery. The nerves and muscles are compromised, and in many cases, problems can recur. Prescription pain pills and muscle relaxers can be helpful, but they aren’t always the complete answer. The side affects of the drugs are sometimes worse than the original pain, ...

Karla News

Cervical Spinal Stenosis

What is Cervical Spinal Stenosis? Cervical spinal stenosis is a degenerative disease that causes a gradual narrowing of the opening for the spinal cord within the neck. The narrowing of the spinal column in the area of the neck, defined as cervical spinal stenosis, can be caused by bulging discs, bone spurs, or an overgrowth ...

What is a Laminectomy?

Also known as decompression, a laminectomy is a surgical procedure in which the back section of the vertebra covering the spinal canal (lamina) is removed. Essentially, the procedure serves to enlarge the spinal canal and alleviate any excessive pressure that is interfering with the proper function of the spinal cord and the surrounding network of ...

Karla News

How to Reduce Lower Back Pain in Five Minutes a Day

There are many types of lower back pain that are caused by a variety of physical conditions. Regardless of the cause persistent lower back pain often reduces your productivity and quality of life thus it is important to investigate ways of eliminating or reducing the problem. One common condition is spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is ...

Karla News

Causes of Projectile Vomiting in Newborns

Because of their immature digestive systems, it is not uncommon for newborns to spit up after feedings. When a newborn spits up, it is usually a small amount of the feeding, and it usually just rolls out of the baby’s mouth. Projectile vomiting is quite different from spitting up. When a newborn projectile vomits, the ...