Articles for tag: Letter Writing, Stationery

Karla News

Free Printable Stationery – Don’t Buy It, Print It!

Although conventional letter writing has hit an all-time low due to ever-increasing postage costs and email, many people still send letters and use stationery for a number of other purposes. Creatively designed paper is great for scrap booking, recipes, crafts, and much, much more. The Internet is virtual stationery store, but unlike retail stores, the ...

Karla News

Printable Wedding Invitations: DIY and Save Money

It used be that properly formal wedding invitations had to be plain, white, and engraved – never printed. Printed invitations were considered cheap and tacky – it was better to just hand-write your invitations for an informal wedding. In recent years, however, creativity has become more important than formality. You can still get formal, engraved ...

Karla News

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Letter-Writers

The rise of the internet and email threatens to make friendly letters delivered by the post office obsolete. Despite this, there are some who stubbornly prefer to send and receive handwritten greetings. Do you know a person like this? If so, why not acknowledge the love and care they put into their letters by giving ...