Articles for tag: Alps, St. Bernard, Swiss Alps

The Great Rescuers of the Swiss Alps, St. Bernards

In 980 AD a monk named Bernard de Menthon established a hospice way up in the thin air and snowy geography of the Swiss Alps. Although the timeline of exactly when those lovable rescuers known as the St. Bernard dog breed actually became a mainstay of de Menthon’s hospice remains in dispute, what cannot be ...

Karla News

Most Suitable Dogs for Children

I loved dogs my entire childhood. I drew them, studied them, and wanted about a hundred one day on a big plot of land. I was obsessed. Then, after a few years of working at a kennel, not so much. I still enjoy certain breeds but am very over my fascination with dogs. I have ...

Karla News

Causes of Excessive Drooling in Dogs

Dog saliva or drool is often clear or watery in color, but can be white, depending on the individual dog. Dogs drool excessively for three main reasons – they are from a breed prone to drooling; they are anticipating food or they are sick. If you see your dog drooling and he is not staring ...

Karla News

How to Train a St. Bernard Dog

Anyone willing to put in some time, effort and a little patience can train a St. Bernard. It is a commitment and you must decide before you obtain the canine that you are willing to make this commitment. It would be in the owner’s best interest to obtain this breed as a pup. Training must ...